The field of objective studies has brought us so far in the pursuit for understanding our world. Science and technology has gained tremendously from this field. Great strides have been made that have improved the quality of life on the earth. And has given us a better understanding of the world we live in.
But there are still so many unanswered questions about this world that objective inquiry cannot answer. Also embracing doubt as a cop out when empirical data does not exist has stifled any meaningful inquiry beyond our worldview and concept of the world.
Skepticism is not evidence in itself where empirical investigation does not have any data. The world as we know it is limited to known material dimensions with all known spheres of environments. We must not only be restricted to objective inquiry which is also limited to the visible material spheres. The truth is our vantage point only allows us to see on this plane. So that to us our world view is quantified as the visible material world, where objective data exists, and invisible material world, where metaphysics is allowed to fill in for the inadequacy of empirical studies.
Concept Of A World System
Watch our special short documentary video on the concept of the world system. As we look at the concept from its original sense. Discover the groundbreaking method “Hierarchy and Relationship” as it unveils deep principles and concepts of our time. Tell us What is your worldview in the comments below. How it helped you become who you are. Let's know also if you want to know more.
The truth is that we are restricted to what our eyes can naturally and technologically see. And that our tools are not adequate for a full inquiry of things as they are. And our focus must not tilt towards disavowing truths that are beyond our capabilities by allowing skepticism to dominate. But rather with humility admit our limitations and that our point of view of the set order is not the only world view.
It is like looking through a keyhole of a locked room and seeing only enough as allowed by the keyhole. Then describing the makeup of the locked room based on what appears on the key hole focal plane. But what if we were able to have access to the whole room. Opening the door then we could see the entire room and its contents clearly.
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We believe that our current world system is ready to make a leap into the known and out of the current unknown. Yes we have made many advances but we still live here in the unknown. Caught up in infantile contests to control the hearts and minds of humans. And we understand that the game theory of any world puppet master is to create a competing worldview that discredits any world view.
Our role here is not to reinvent the wheel. Or to pitch a new worldview. But it is to share understanding of principles and concepts that govern any world system. To move beyond the discriminant approach to such things and into the freedom of true study without fear or shame.
And with regards to a world view, we can all agree on this. Any worldview will have to account for some sort of designer of the world system. And that only the terms that vary are who that "designer" is and how that "designer" formed that world system. And how the acolytes of each worldview interpret the extents of the world system based on that view.
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We also can all agree on this. Faith or a belief system is not a purview of mystics only. But it is the foundation of all existence. And that it is directly linked to the worldview embraced by any individual or group. The only difference is the worldview held will determine what kind of faith and beliefs held.
Lastly we can all agree that it is the worldview and faith in it that shapes the world, the character traits and lifestyle of those serving it. We understand that it is more than just exploration to discover the so-called natural world that informs that quest for deeper understanding of this world. But also a need to validate and strengthen the belief and ultimately this world view.
In Conclusion, the foundation of any belief system is a worldview. That is that secret sauce. And that a worldview has to explain what, when, who, where, and how we came to be. This is the initial phase of sentience and becoming a sentient being. This is why we have decided to start here in this Concept Series. The series will explore and decode the secrets found in the book Genesis in ways that have never been seen before.